



以下图片均来自刘香成(Liu Heung Shing)的新书《中国:一个国家的肖像》,中国人的近60年的生活是从照片中的第一个人开始的,他控制着我们的生活,他的意志就像是圣旨,只有听从,没有违抗。而60年后的今天,我们惊异的发现我们除了被赋予了挣钱的权利,其他什么也没有。以前有个老师说的很有意思,看看中国有没有本质的变化,就去看看那些那些大学里还有没有那个人的塑像!

Excerpt from the interview

"I wanted to show daily life in different periods," said Liu, "because Mao dominated daily life for such a long time."

"I see myself as a Chinese exile who lives in China again. But I like the distance I have。"said Liu.



Hou Bo
Chairman in a robe: On May 31, 1956, Mao Zedong took his first ritual swim in the Yangtze River.

Li Zhensheng
Schoolchildren shouldering wooden bayonets take part in the National Day parade in Harbin, Heilongjiang province, in 1966. The Cultural Revolution had just begun.

Zhang Yaxin
When Mao launched the Cultural Revolution, his wife Jiang Qing, a former actress, assumed the role of cultural czar. She banned all but five Beijing operas, two revolutionary modern ballets, and one symphony. All eight pieces were later filmed -- to provide the entire Chinese population with its only officially sanctioned entertainment.

De Xiuxian
Marshal Ye Jianying holds court on the beach at a resort in Hainan province. Ye played a key role in arresting the "Gang of Four," which effectively ended the chaos of the Cultural Revolution.

Du Xiuxian
Deng Xiaoping, who had recently been reinstated as vice premier, sits to the right of Chairman Mao in Mao's study, in 1974. To the left of Mao is his chief body guard, Huang Dongxing, and behind the group stands Mao's personal staff.

Liu Heung Shing
Two Chinese teenagers who are members of the Young Pioneers perform in a skit to denounce the newly disgraced Madam Mao in Shanghai. Following the death of Chairman Mao in October 1976, the so-called "Gang of Four" headed by Madam Mao were arrested. She was brought to trail in 1981 and sentenced to death penalty with a two year reprieve. She died in 1991.

Xu Haifeng
Shanghai's famed Xiangyang market, prior to its closure in June 2006 to make way for new development amidst soaring property prices across China, but especially in Shanghai.

Zheng Pingping
In October 2005, China launched its first manned spacecraft from the Gobi Desert.

Liu Heung Shing
Pu Jie, the younger brother of the last emperor of China, smiles in front of his former home in the Forbidden City. Liu Heung Shing, editor of a new photo book, took this picture.

Qin Wen
Chinese workers plying their trade in the upper reaches of the Yangtse River, here pulling a boat upstream. They are naked to protect the few clothes they possess.

Liu Heung Shing
China's first millionaire, Li Xiaohua, a former Red Guard sent to the countryside during the cultural revolution, lies on the hood of his new Mercedes-Benz.

Zhang Peng
In the trend towards art photography that gathered momentum in the early 2000s, incongruity is all the rage. Here, a child is dressed in the ornate costume of Beijing opera performer, beneath an oversized head piece.

