








死者廖薇(Wei Liao,音译),来自四川,英文名Elva,年仅18岁,目前在Taylor's College读预科,准备就读悉尼大学会计系,其重伤的19岁男友名叫Chris Han。由于脊椎碎裂,骨盆和双腿全部骨折,目前仍未脱离生命危险。Chris Han告诉救护人员说,歹徒强迫他们做性表演,最后强迫他们跳下去。

(上图)案发公寓的阳台,(下图)死者生前与男友的照片 。










  26日当晚,检察官开始在案发现场附近展开勘查,并调阅了公寓大楼的当日监控录像。经过反复辨认,警方暂时将调查目标锁定为一名皮肤黝黑、年约 30岁的男子,初步认定他就是当时持刀闯入公寓的歹徒,目前正对其展开追捕。该嫌犯在2名留学生相继坠楼后,丢下屋内2名被劫持的其他女人质,匆匆逃出了公寓大楼。



廖薇是家中独女 商界母亲痛失爱女

廖薇(Liao "Elva" Wei )是家中独女,在汶川地震中家里的房子财产遭到损失。她的父母庆幸女儿没有受到地震带来的伤害,认为在澳洲是绝对安全的,怎么也没曾想女儿遭此厄运。

廖薇最好的朋友张玫(Zhang May)告诉记者她的父母在听到这个消息后死也不愿接受这样悲惨的事实。“我只对他们说廖薇和她的男朋友遭到了抢劫,歹徒要杀他们所以二人才跳楼终酿惨剧。我不能告诉他们任何其他的事情,她母亲一遍又一遍的问我'为什么……为什么会这样,她不能接受这样的事实,她始终认为廖薇在这里是安全的'。”



SHE was the sole child born to Chinese parents and all they had left in the world after losing their home and possessions in an earthquake in the Sichuan province earlier this year.

Liao "Elva" Wei's parents thought Australia was a safe place to send their daughter for an education, so she could go on to study accounting at university.

Now they have been left to make the heart-breaking journey to Sydney to collect their daughter's remains from the place where Ms Wei had found happiness in life and in love, with her boyfriend of about a year, Chris Han.

And at the end of this month, she was about to sit exams that if she performed well in, would allow her to study at university here.

Ms Liao's closest friend in Australia, May Zhang, 17, told The Daily Telegraph that Ms Wei's mother was struggling to comprehend her daughter's death.

Ms Zhang, who spoke to Ms Wei's mother after the attack, said she found it too difficult to explain the full details.

"I just told her some robber tried to kill them and they escaped and fell off the balcony," Ms Zhang said. "I can't tell her anything else. Her mother just say: 'Why? Why?' She can't believe it. She just cried and cried. She thought she (Elva) was safe here."

Known to her friends as Elva, the teenager migrated to Australia from her home village in central China, in July 2007 on a student visa to begin a bridging course for Sydney University, where she had planned to study accounting and economics.

It was in the classroom at Taylors Business College, just 300m from her unit, that she met Mr Han, 19, and the couple had been together for about 12 months.

"Elva wanted to be here (Australia) for six years," Ms Liao said.

"She wanted to be a successful businesswoman because her mother is a really successful businesswoman in China . . . she was very happy here."

Manager director of Study Group Australasia, Peter Price, said Taylors College students were devastated about the attack and many spent time remembering Ms Wei at a room set aside for a memorial yesterday.

He said teachers and tutors alike had described Ms Wei as "very likeable, bubbly" and a "pleasure to teach".

Teachers described her boyfriend as "friendly, very likeable and with many friends from all sorts of nations".

In writings on the social network site Facebook, Ms Wei showed her enjoyment of both life in general and her relationship with Mr Han, with many photos documenting their happiness.

On his Facebook page, she wrote: "kkk . . . my honey . . . luv u . . .", with k meaning kisses.

And on her own page: 'Elva is enjoy my life".

Her boyfriend's site has now become one for condolences and support from his many friends.

"Be strong . . . both of u are so good person . . . plz be strong, i wanna c u in the college with a nice smile," one message said.

As Mr Han, 19, remained in a serious condition at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, classmates yesterday laid a wreath at the Waterloo apartment block as a memorial to the teenager.

A female student, who did not want to be identified, said Mr Han, who arrived in Australia in April 2007, had previously been robbed walking home from college.

It was a warning that Australia was not always the safe country their parents had envisioned from half a world away

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